Margelit for me is one of the best marketers that is out there. Sounds like I'm biased (for sure) but I have worked with Superbowl - commercial creatives, auto industry "ad experts" and self-acclaimed pro marketers. They pale in comparison. No exaggeration. She studied writing + painting at Bennington, worked as a successful legal recruiter in NYC, learned at a seminary in Jerusalem and married me, the lucky husband. And did I mention that she is an amazing art director and producer... and cook and baker. She is an amazing mother to our five kids and I owe her everything in my career and becoming a better person.
Shmuel (pronounced Shmool, like cool) never stops innovating. He's a perfectionist.
He has a rare combination of emotion, heart and know-how. When he studied music he became Germany's #1 violist, performing with the likes of YoYo Ma and Daniel Barenboim. Most people think of film as a visual medium, but what you don't see is what's really moving you: the sound in a film, the visual rhythm., and their interplay and counterpoint. Shmuel is the mover, the shaker, the ruckus maker. His father stood up to communism in East Germany, and from this Shmuel learned to go against the grain, despite risks of persecution. This is what makes his ideas disruptive in a world of followers. When he picks up a cause, he sees that mission through to the end, boldly. I am lucky to be the sidekick -- and disseminator of the work -- of a genius. I am also lucky that he's a dedicated and loyal husband and father. Every day, we motivate each other to do better, to love better, to live better, and to bring this world forward, starting in our own little corner.
David Campany tells of his lifelong love affair with photography and photo books, exploring some of his favorites and discussing why they are culturally and artistically important.
Sky Hopinka says his work “is about wandering through ideas of language, identity, culture, history and the present without necessarily a clear idea of where to go or how to get there.”