Martin Zimper is head of a new field of studies at the Zurich University of the Arts, Departement Design. He established the bachelor programme „Cast/ Audiovisual Media“ in 2007. His students learn how to produce audiovisual content for online and mobile media (animations, web documentaries, webisodes, interactive infographics) and how to distribute content online to reach their audience. He cooperates with Zurich Film Festival, Swiss Public Television, Credit Suisse, RADO, ArtBasel Miami Beach, Publicis and Gruner & Jahr for multimedia projects.
He lectures on multiplatform storytelling. International lectures 2011: MEDIA Initial Training Conference Brussels („New media – new profiles – new competences“; Organizer and supervisor of the symposium „The future of magazines on the tablets“; ePublishing Group of German Association of print magazine publishers; Salzburger Medientag („Social TV: TV as shared experience“); Eyes & Ears of Europe, Academy, 2-day-workshop about „Audiovisual Storytelling in a digital context“ (Redbull Media House Salzburg); Workshop at the University of Applied Science Vienna, Institute Journalism and Media Management 2012: Solothurner Filmtage „First Steps Transmedia“.
Martin Zimper helds a Ph D in communications and has a long and successful track record as programme director, managing director and co-owner of private radio stations and networks in Austria. Former editor for Austrian Public Television/ Entertainment departement. Produced script writer (Prime TV TV movie and documentary) Published Author. Lecturer at Universities since 1993.
Award: Ludwig Erhard Award for Economy Journalism (Germany)
Born in Austria, 1963.
Martin participated in the January 2012 MediaStorm Methodology Workshop. He had the following to say about his experience:
The Methodology Workshop shows all secrets behind MediaStorm's amazing multimedia projects. The whole team shares their experience and talks openly about right and wrong decisions they made. When I came back to my Zurich office I changed some steps in our multimedia training curriculum with a new emphasis on photojournalism. And I sent a member of my staff to the next MediaStorm Methodology Workshop - the money is a good investment. The most interesting part was to see the passion of the MediaStorm team and to become acquainted to Brian Storm—a sensitive American boy practicing humanity with multimedia tools and a master storyteller. He handles Aristotles story rules ("Poetics") perfectly in a multimedia world—even if he told me he should have listened to it better in school.