Ricky Montalvo is a video producer for Yahoo! Studios and is based in San Francisco. Ricky is one of the few "one man shows" within the Yahoo! Studios group, where he shoots, edits and often produces content that runs throughout Yahoo!'s online network.
Montalvo had a prior career in online advertising and media operations but it was his passion for digital filmmaking that he liked the most. So in 2005 he quit his job and pursued digital video aggressively with his own personal projects.
Currently he is working on Yahoo!'s Second Act video series which tells stories of people making the changes necessary to achieve their goals.
Ricky participated in the September 2008 MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop. He had the following to say about her experience:
As a video producer who edits traditional packages for the web that have a broadcast style elements, I was invigorated after attending the MediaStorm workshop. Why? Because storytelling for the internet needs new practices for rich visual media, one that successfully captures the senses with audio, photography and video.
I walked away after 7 days with new knowledge in areas of storytelling and reporting. I simply cannot wait to begin to use these creative techniques in the future.
The web is ever changing faster than any other medium and MediaStorm understands that, but more importantly, they want you to learn it. From the instructors, staff, and hands-on work, there is no stone unturned.