Nancy J. Haws serves as a Communications Consultant in the Department of Development at Mayo Clinic. Her responsibilities include communication and strategic positioning in all forms of media to raise funds and awareness for research initiatives at Mayo. Nancy develops print, multi-media programs and web-based content for neuroscience and neurosurgery, regenerative medicine, biomedical technology and engineering, individualized medicine, aging and cancer. Nancy also provides coaching and communication strategies for special philanthropic gifts ranging from $2-$100 million.
Prior to joining Mayo, Nancy ran her own consulting business for twenty-five years. She produced advertising and communication programs for Fortune 500 companies including, Atlantic Richfield, Texaco Trading and Transportation and International Multifoods and its subsidiaries. In addition, Nancy devoted many years to traveling, photographing and videotaping stories to raise awareness for water, sanitation and hygiene education programs for some of the world’s poorest communities in Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa and India.
Nancy participated in the November 2010 MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop. She had the following to say about her experience:
My primary motivation for participating in the MediaStorm workshop was to learn how to combine a vast array of talents and tools, recombine them and modify existing digital information to create a new derivative work. I never doubted for a minute that our team would complete a multi-media project. However, the real gems we mined during this workshop resided at the center of where all these pieces of data fit together - the story.
The workshop integrated chaos theory, asset management and controversial subject matter with a group of complete strangers traveling at warp speed in a compressed time frame of one week. Mind- boggling.
Thanks, Brian and team, for creating an invaluable experience. I'll be back.